American Indian College Fund Grant

Contact: Dina Horwedel, Director, Public Education
Phone: 303-430-5350 (direct)

American Indian College Fund Receives Grant from Master Key Consulting Towards Endowed Scholarship Program

Denver, Colorado – January 5, 2011 – Master Key Consulting, a leader in grants management support, software testing, and technology systems training, gave a grant of $5,000 to the American Indian College Fund. This grant will contribute to the Master Key Consulting Tribal College Endowed Scholarship Program, which provides scholarship assistance in perpetuity to students attending our nation’s tribal colleges and universities.

“We have been proud to partner with the American Indian College Fund because our company has directly benefited from the hard work of tribal college graduates,” said Jonathan K. Wilber, President and CEO of Master Key Consulting. “In our ten years of doing business as a Federal contractor, three of our Project Managers, our Chief Information Officer and two of our federal consultants have all been tribal college students. Three of our top executives have worked at the College of Menominee Nation and know the high quality graduates that tribal colleges produce. The Fund and tribal colleges are not only changing lives – they are helping to build successful businesses like ours.”

“It is an honor to receive this gift from Master Key Consulting,” said Richard B. Williams, President and CEO of the American Indian College Fund. “Not only is this generous company investing in American Indian students’ pursuit of higher education, but they are making a lasting investment by contributing to this endowed scholarship program that will serve students in perpetuity.”

About Master Key Consulting
Key Ideas. Key Solutions. Simple strategies that have helped Master Key Consulting grow to become one of Maryland’s largest American Indian owned companies and one of the Federal Government’s largest Government Wide Acquisition Contract suppliers. Founded in 2001 and headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland – Master Key Consulting supports nine (9) federal agencies in eleven (11) states and the District of Columbia with a wide variety of professional and IT consulting services. The company’s grants management services, software testing services, IT support services and customized training programs are delivered by the company’s 130 employees according to a set of Key Principles and Quality Standards that make Master Key Consulting a premier federal contractor. For more information please visit:

About the American Indian College Fund
With its credo “Educating the Mind and Spirit,” the American Indian College Fund is the nation’s largest private provider of scholarships for American Indian students, providing an average of 6,000 scholarships annually for students seeking to better their lives and communities through education and support to the nation’s 33 accredited tribal colleges and universities. For more information about the American Indian College Fund, please visit

©2010 American Indian College Fund

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