Professional and Organizational Development

InnerSight logo imageEstablished by Master Key Consulting in 2005, Innersight is now Master Key’s independent partner helping our employees, our clients and new customers with organizational development, career pathing and personal development. is a personal, professional, and organizational development experience that enables success through a tailored program that facilitates self-discovery and self-knowledge.

InnerSight’s network of credentialed professionals in fields such as psychology, education, business and personal development are committed to helping individuals uncover a deeper understanding of their preferences and interests.

In any organization – Knowing Who You Are is the first step in knowing Where You Are Going – Master Key Consulting can help you identify those preferences and interests that exist inside your organization to build successful employee development programs.

Master Key is a valued partner as we organized to better meet the needs of our students and our college community. Master Key’s process has allowed all of our employees to become active participants, building are internal capacity and self-sufficiency. Master Key Consulting has been great to work with!

Dr. Jim Davis, President Turtle Mountain Community College
Belcourt, North Dakota

For college bound students, knowing what really interests you is key in selecting majors and making career choices. Master Key Consulting can help you sort through those preferences to make important college and career decisions that are based on you.

Visit the Innersight Website to see how Innersight can help you and your college.

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